
Member Spotlight

  • EBMUD Leverages Cleanup Event to Engage Community

    September 23, 2020
    For three consecutive years, the East Bay Municipal Utility District (EBMUD) has hosted a cleanup event at the Martin Luther King Jr. Shoreline Regional Park in Oakland, California. The shoreline park is a restored wetland and a public recreation space set amidst a densely populated urban area. Trash from littering and from the tides builds up along the shoreline, adversely impacting the park’s beauty and its function as habitat for local wildlife.
  • Effective Community Engagement Garners Public Support for Massive Infrastructure Project

    August 26, 2020
    In 2019, the Sanitation Districts of Los Angeles County began construction on the Clearwater Project, consisting of a 7-mile, 18-foot diameter, almost entirely underground tunnel and outfall system that conveys clean water from its largest wastewater treatment facility to the ocean. The project will ensure the main sewer system's reliability and future capacity needs with serving over 5 million people in Los Angeles County.
  • Art with a Purpose - The City of Richmond’s Creative Take on Water Conservation

    August 12, 2020
    The City of Richmond's Stormwater Utility, in collaboration with Richmond Public Elementary Schools, brought the community outreach RVAH2O Rain Barrel Painting Program to life. The program, designed to engage Richmond's population and educate citizens about water quantity and quality, has proven to be practical and has added to the unique beauty of the City. Through the program, elementary school students display their creativity and better the community by painting rain barrels that are distributed free-of-charge to Richmond's citizens. The simple installation of rain barrels helps reduce the amount of runoff experienced with each wet weather occurrence and helps to prevent Richmond's stormwater infrastructure from being overwhelmed. For its efforts, the City of Richmond Stormwater Utility was recognized with a National Environmental Achievement Award in the Public Information & Education Educational Program category during NACWA's Winter Conference in February 2020. Congratulations to the City of Richmond Stormwater Utility and everyone involved!
  • KC Water Creatively Demonstrates the Value of Water

    July 29, 2020
    KC Water works to highlight the vital role water plays in everyday life by leveraging the annual awareness effort by the Value of Water Campaign — Imagine A Day Without Water – to help its community better understand the importance of clean and safe water. Recognizing access to clean water is often taken for granted, KC Water produced a short video, social media graphics and promotional items to highlight the simple daily tasks and luxuries that would not be possible without the essential resource.
  • Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) Expands Efforts to Educate and Engage with Secondary Students

    July 15, 2020
    In 2018, the Hampton Roads Sanitation District (HRSD) Communications Department set a goal to engage more middle school and high school students in the HRSD service area. To achieve this, the Environmental Education and Outreach program was restructured to include updated versions of lesson plans suitable for secondary school age students. Prior to these updates, the education and outreach program curriculum were most beneficial to elementary school students. The Hampton Roads Sanitation District was recognized with a National Environmental Achievement Award in the Public Information & Education (Educational Program) category during NACWA’s Winter Conference in February 2020. Congratulations to the HRSD and everyone involved!
  • City of Garland Advances Partnerships Through Communication and Training

    June 17, 2020
    The City of Garland, Texas continually seeks positive ways to make their mark on the community. To improve communication with the Significant Industrial Users (SIUs) located within the city’s service area, the City of Garland Industrial Pretreatment Program (IPP) implemented a quarterly electronic newsletter and an annual training opportunity. The newsletter provides regulatory updates and requirements, reminders, and notices of upcoming events. The goal is to inform and educate the SIUs to improve and maintain compliance with pretreatment regulations.
  • One Water Alexandria – Helping Alexandrians Know Their H2O

    May 13, 2020
    The residents of Alexandria, Virginia sometimes confuse the three water entities that service the city: Virginia American Water (VAW), which provides drinking water; the City of Alexandria, which owns the sanitary sewer system and stormwater infrastructure; and Alexandria Renew Enterprises (AlexRenew), which owns the water resource recovery facility, interceptors, pump stations, and four combined sewer outfalls. In 2018, the One Water Alexandria partnership was established to provide education and outreach to the community and lessen confusion among shared water customers. The eight-person team, which represents the three water entities and RiverRenew (an AlexRenew program to address combined sewer overflows), developed a multi-phased plan to get Alexandrians to know their H2O.
  • Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority Uses Collaboration to Protect Watershed Health

    May 1, 2020
    The Albuquerque Bernalillo County Water Utility Authority (ABCWUA) provides water and wastewater service to the greater Albuquerque metropolitan area of central New Mexico, managing a 2,400-mile collection system and treating more than 50 million gallons of wastewater every day. The agency established the Albuquerque Area Watershed Collaboration Program to build partnerships to help protect watershed health. With support from local, state and federal agencies, the utility encourages collaboration with forest managers, local stormwater managers, regulatory agencies, educators, environmental groups, agricultural interests, and the general public.
  • NEW Water’s Innovative Resource Recovery and Adaptive Management Programs Protect the Environment and Reduce Costs

    April 17, 2020
    The vision of NEW Water, the brand of the Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District, is “Protecting our most valuable resource, water.” The utility’s commitment to that vision is demonstrated through two initiatives that also help advance NEW Water as a Water Resources Utility of the Future. First, the Resource Recovery and Electrical Energy (R2E2) project was the catalyst for a transformation in mindset at NEW Water by treating the materials it receives from its customers as resources to be recovered and reused rather than wastes to be disposed.
  • Knoxville Utilities Board (KUB) Protects the Environment Through Community Outreach

    April 3, 2020
    KUB’s pledge to provide safe, reliable, and affordable water begins with protecting its community’s most valuable water resource: the Tennessee River. With the emergence of stories across the country concerning water contamination and safety concerns, KUB recognized a proactive approach to community education and awareness was necessary to adequately inform its ratepayers of the ways in which they can help protect their source water.
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