Clean Water Current
Infrastructure Discussions Continue after Senate Takes First Step with Major Water Bill
The Senate took an important first step last week towards passing comprehensive infrastructure legislation with the overwhelming passage of the Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act of 2021 (DWWIA), S. 914.
Strong bipartisan support of DWWIA is significant in that it showcases water as the first and key component on the legislative path towards a comprehensive infrastructure bill this year.
While the House and Senate are not in session this week, the White House and Congressional leaders are continuing infrastructure discussions behind the scenes. Both sides are looking to build on the momentum of DWWIA and President Biden’s address before Congress last week in which he highlighted his infrastructure plan, including clean water specifically.
The legislative focus for clean water now shifts to the House of Representatives where the Transportation and Infrastructure (T&I) Committee is working to advance its clean water legislation in the coming weeks, the Water Quality Protection and Job Creation Act of 2021, H.R. 1915. Once the House passes its bill, the two chambers will begin conference negotiations to ensure water is included in any comprehensive infrastructure bill.
NACWA members can help continue to position the water sector for success as part of the next infrastructure bill by advocating to their Senators and Representatives about the importance of including the highest level of water funding possible, especially in the form of direct grants.
NACWA members with any questions can contact NACWA’s Legislative Director, Jason Isakovic or NACWA’s Managing Director of Government Affairs, Kristina Surfus.