
State officials address wastewater infrastructure needs as part of ARPA spending report

Dec 2, 2022

MONTPELIER — As communities in Bennington County have learned firsthand, overcoming the state’s housing crunch isn’t as easy as it looks — and one of those roadblocks is access to wastewater infrastructure.

As housing commissioner Josh Hanford and Agency of Natural Resources Secretary Julie Moore explained during a news briefing on how the state has allocated and spent its $1.05 billion allocation of state-level ARPA funds so far, the state’s sizable investment in housing funds moves faster when, literally and figuratively, there are pipelines in place.

“Of the housing funded to date, most of it is in places that have infrastructure ready to go,” Hanford said, noting the planned Bennington High School redevelopment as an example. “But as we go forward, [there] does need to be wastewater and [drinking] water installed.”

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