Fly-In Hotel Deadline Less Than a Week Away – Register Now!
(March 5, 2019) - The March 11 deadline to make hotel reservations for the National Water Policy Fly-In is just around the corner – make your plans now to attend!
The Fly-In, scheduled for April 3 – 4, 2019, is the premier national advocacy event in Washington, DC to advance public clean water utility issues. Presented jointly by the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA), the Water Environment Federation (WEF), the Water Research Foundation (WRF), and the WateReuse Association, the Fly-In also the anchor event of Water Week 2019.
The Fly-In agenda will feature senior federal officials, including EPA Assistant Administrator for Water David Ross, other senior EPA staff, and Members of Congress at the Congressional Reception and Congressional Briefing. The event also offers a perfect opportunity for you to visit with your federal elected officials on Capitol Hill and educate them about the importance of clean water issues in your local community.
Join hundreds of other clean water leaders and stakeholders as they call on the Administration and the new Congress to work in partnership with the clean water sector, invest in the nation's clean water infrastructure, and advance policies that benefit clean water utilities and the communities they serve. We hope to see you in Washington!