NACWA Releases 2021 Annual Report
NACWA is proud to release its 2021 Annual Report, which documents the accomplishments and milestones the membership accomplished together over the past 12 months and outlines our vision for the year ahead. The electronic version is available on the NACWA website, and the print version is now being delivered to all member agencies, along with Fiscal Year (FY) 2022 member invoices.
As outlined in a welcoming message from President Kishia Powell, Chief Operating Officer and Executive Vice President of DC Water, NACWA took great strides this past year in both advocacy and peer-to-peer sharing despite the challenges presented by the pandemic. The 2021 Annual Report highlights the many ways in which the NACWA family is continuing to emerge stronger in the face of adversity.
Over the past year, the Association enhanced existing resources including more frequent webinars, online awards/recognition programs, resource documents, and extensive utility executive peer-to-peer engagement opportunities with the goal of uniting the sector.
Additionally, NACWA’s advocacy efforts yielded new funding opportunities, including the first every federal low-income water assistance program, and situated the water workforce where it has always belonged - as an essential service.
The Association would like to thank all of its members for their continued membership and their contributions to ensuring safe, affordable, equitable, accessible, and sustainable clean water for all. Members with questions about membership or the FY 2022 dues can contact Kelly Brocato, NACWA’s Senior Director of Membership & Retention.