
Who We Are

For 50 years, the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) has been the nation’s recognized leader in legislative, regulatory and legal advocacy on the full spectrum of clean water issues, as well as a top technical resource for water management, sustainability and ecosystem protection interests.

NACWA represents public wastewater and stormwater agencies of all sizes nationwide. The Association's unique and growing network strengthens the advocacy voice for all member utilities, and ensures they have the tools necessary to provide affordable and sustainable clean water for all.

Our vision is to represent every utility as a NACWA member, helping build a strong and sustainable clean water future.

What We Offer

South Carolina Utility Taps High School Technical Education Students to Establish Internship Program

Aug 16, 2022
Beaufort-Jasper Water & Sewer Authority (BJWSA)

The Beaufort-Jasper Water & Sewer Authority (BJWSA) in South Carolina devised a creative solution to address the ongoing employment challenges it encounters in two entry-level departments, as well as encourage more community interest in clean water careers. BJWSA’s customer service and field operations departments often provide a steppingstone to internal promotions. While providing a pipeline of employees for other parts of the utility, these departments were left in a constant state of hiring new staff.

To address the issue, the BJWSA Human Resources Department reached out to the Career and Technical Education (CTE) offices for both Beaufort and Jasper County school districts, whose mission is to encourage students to be career-ready through vocation pathways that help students learn technical and employability skills and earn industry credentials. In March 2020, BJWSA hosted two open houses with more than 60 students in attendance to solicit interest. Over several months, a plan emerged for BJWSA to host high school seniors in a 15-week paid internship program in the spring of 2021. In a region where high school graduates can expect to make little better than minimum wage, a paid internship at $12.00 an hour is an attractive prospect. The two districts and the Authority conducted a joint effort to recruit from the class of 2021, with a final pool of eight applicants. BJWSA staff interviewed candidates, asking 10 standardized questions, and scoring each prospect based on overall competencies. There was no guarantee of employment after the internship, however, candidates were in consideration based on performance.

Four finalists, two from each county, exceeded expectations during the interview process and were extended internships in the field operations and customer service departments. Training began immediately after orientation, with guidelines for supervisors to set expectations and metrics for achievement.

The program met the needs of the emerging workforce and BJWSA, with three of the four interns hired as permanent employees. The interns benefited from the opportunity by receiving practice skills in real-world scenarios, developing soft skills, observing professionals in action, and networking with potential employers.

Based on need, BJWSA was planning to add two positions for Water or Wastewater Operations to the intern offerings for Winter 2022, for a total of six prospective new employees. These interns will be paid $15.00/hour to compete with the current local market.

NACWA awarded Beaufort-Jasper Water & Sewer Authority a 2022 National Environmental Achievement Award in the Workforce Development category for its resourceful employment and community outreach solution. Congratulations to everyone involved!

Board Of Directors

NACWA's Board of Directors embodies the clean water sector's most accomplished leadership, informed by decades of collective experience and expertise in water utility operation and management. The Board leads NACWA's governance, allowing it to serve its members with focus and integrity. 

Staff Directory

The Association is its people. And NACWA's dedicated staff defines the organization's commitment to passionate advocacy, forward thinking leadership and ethical service to members and the clean water community as a whole. They're dedicated and energetic. They're also a lot of fun. Give us a ring...

Member Agencies & Affiliates

The strength of NACWA is its member agencies and affiliates, from publicly-owned wastewater treatment agencies to corporate affiliates from throughout the clean water management chain.  Our unique and growing network strengthens the advocacy voice for all members, ensuring they have the tools and expertise necessary to help shape the clean water landscape both locally and nationally.


NACWA’s committee structure invites Association members to work collectively to shape national clean water policy. NACWA’s committees not only help develop the Association's positions on policy and legislation, they help build and foster NACWA's peer-to-peer networking strength, while achieving key initiatives that benefit all members.


Each year, NACWA recognizes the outstanding commitment, innovation and achievements of individuals and agencies through our national awards programs. From contributions to environmental protection, to diligence in compliance, to even intangible positive impact. NACWA is honored to highlight service excellence within the clean water sector.


Engage and collaborate with member utilities of all sizes—small, medium and large—with affiliates/stakeholders from all regions of the country. Membership is not only a path to improving operations or enhancing professional development, it’s a unique opportunity to join the strongest unified voice for shared clean water interests nationwide.

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