
NACWA Shares Farm Bill Priorities with Capitol Hill

Mar 8, 2023

NACWA sent a letter to Capitol Hill on February 28 outlining the Association’s top legislative priorities for the 2023 Farm Bill reauthorization. Congress recently kicked off work on this important legislative initiative, which happens once every 5 years.

NACWA’s letter highlights the importance of building on the bipartisan legislative achievements from the 2018 Farm Bill and working collaboratively to further advance, in a bipartisan fashion, clean water policies and solutions that are technically, scientifically, and economically sound.  

Specifically, the letter discusses the important role clean water utilities play in protecting water quality and the potential for driving continued progress by supporting collaboration between the public clean water sector and agriculture. It also addresses the need for collaboration between the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) and EPA in finding solutions for protecting all methods of biosolids management and driving effective communication about PFAS risks. 

While a divided congress and the current political landscape will present legislative hurdles over the next two years, stakeholders of all stripes impacted by the Farm Bill are urging collegiality to ensure its passage prior to the end of the fiscal year to ensure continuity of these popular programs. 

NACWA will continue working with Congress and leverage its strong bipartisan relationships to advocate for clean water policies that will benefit communities across the country.  

NACWA encourages members to share this letter with their respective Congressional delegations. In the meantime, please contact NACWA’s Legislative Team with any questions or to discuss further.  

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