
EPA Announces 2023 Bipartisan Infrastructure Law CWSRF Totals for States

Mar 1, 2023

On February 24, EPA announced each state, Tribe, and territory Clean Water State Revolving Fund (CWSRF) allotment from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) for Fiscal Year 2023 (FY23). These funds, totaling $2.4 billion, represent the supplemental funding each CWSRF will receive for FY23 from the BIL, which is providing additional funding to the SRFs over five years. Note that Congressionally directed projects, or earmarks, will not impact these totals like they do annual SRF funding.

As compared with traditional annual CWSRF funds, the BIL supplemental funding has a lowered state match of 10 percent (rather than 20 percent). Forty-nine percent is required to be provided as additional subsidy (grants or forgivable loans), and at least 10 percent must go to “green” projects.

EPA has not yet announced each state, Tribe, and territory’s allotment of annual FY23 CWSRF (which are impacted by earmarks). This can spur confusion over how much your state may have available through the SRF this year. Unfortunately, EPA cannot make that announcement until the White House Office of Management and Budget officially releases its FY23 funds to EPA (which should happen soon). EPA has also not yet announced Drinking Water SRF allotments – as these depend on a new allotment formula being finalized in response to the recent Drinking Water Needs Survey. Contact Kristina Surfus with any questions about these funding announcements. 

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