
Water Week 2021: Member Action Encouraged!

Apr 14, 2021

Water Week 2021 is fast approaching and will be here April 25th – May 1st, with the annual fly-in being replaced this year by a virtual Zoom-In on April 27, from 2:00 p.m. – 4:30 p.m. EST.

With the Biden Administration and a new Congress in Washington, and the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic continuing to resonate strongly, there has never been a more important time to elevate the importance of water in national policy dialogues. We have already seen landmark achievements in recent months due to the strong grass roots advocacy of our members, including the first ever federal low-income assistance program for water and more federal funds being directed to water infrastructure.

NACWA member engagement will be vital to advancing the water sector’s priorities, such as increasing federal infrastructure investment, securing significant funding in any upcoming federal infrastructure bill, addressing water affordability, supporting water research & development, and making our critical infrastructure more resilient. 

Most importantly, NACWA urges all member to set up meetings with their Congressional delegations. With an infrastructure package currently being negotiated, we need to make sure water is prioritized, and the best way to ensure this is for as many NACWA member utilities as possible to meet with their representatives and advocate for greater federal investment in water. There are resources on the Water Week website that can help you with these virtual visits with your Congressional delegations.

For any questions on Water Week 2021 or for help setting up time with your Member of Congress, please contact Kristina Surfus, NACWA’s Managing Director of Government Affairs, or Jason Isakovic, NACWA’s Legislative Director.

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