
Colorado looks to wastewater for answers to COVID-19

Jan 4, 2021

he Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment (CDPHE) teamed up with researchers at Colorado State University (CSU), Metropolitan State University, GT Molecular, and Colorado wastewater utilities to conduct a study, published on the state's Wastewater Monitoring Dashboard.

Several studies have shown people infected with COVID-19 carry detectable virus particles in their stool before, during and after treatment. Known as SARS-CoV-2 RNA, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates these particles can be present in the body for more than 45 days, depending on the case's severity. 

CDPHE said last week that by measuring the quantity of these particles in the wastewater, it hopes "to improve our understanding of the number of individuals affected by COVID-19, including individuals who do not have symptoms or do not undergo testing."

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