Springfield resident sees increase in water bills
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. (WWLP) – 22News has received many emails from Springfield residents who were surprised by an increase in their water bills.
A Springfield couple saw a significant increase in their water bill and they said it isn’t due to an increase in usage.
With the lack of rain we’ve been having many people have been spending more time watering their lawns but that hasn’t been the case for Gerald Hasty and his wife. He showed 22News his bills from the last two months and his water bill went from about $20 in July to nearly $60 in August. Sewage went from $30 to $90 within that same time.
“We feel like we’re paying bills that were meant for a large business or something. We’d be curious to compare our water bill to businesses that really do use sewage.
Hasty added that he and his wife also don’t even drink the city’s water and buy their own drinking water instead.