
NACWA, New England Utilities Meet with EPA Regional Administrator

Mar 11, 2020

(March 11, 2020) – On Wednesday, March 4th, NACWA and a group of member clean water agencies from across New England met in Boston with EPA Region 1 Administrator, Dennis Deziel. The meeting provided an opportunity for utilities to elevate clean water priorities to Administrator Deziel, who was appointed in August 2019, and key Regional Office staff.

The group discussed the role Region 1 can play in advancing integrated planning as an option for utilities across the region; the affordability constraints utilities face; and Long Term Control Plan compliance as communities approach the end of their consent decrees – an issue where several New England communities are at the forefront.

Also discussed was the fast-changing PFAS regulatory landscape in various New England states, as well as how utilities are facing resilience challenges. EPA asked for input on its draft permit for New Hampshire’s Great Bay, which is out for public comment, and NACWA will be scheduling a follow-up call to discuss the draft permit further with the Region.

Finally, the group discussed the need for consistency and working collaboratively with utilities on stormwater, and thanked Region 1 for their role in ensuring that the MA/NH MS4 settlement made sense. NACWA thanks the member utilities who attended, and the EPA Region for their time and willingness to engage in a productive discussion with utility executives. Contact Kristina Surfus, NACWA Managing Director of Government Affairs, to discuss.

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