Celebrating water’s energy independence day
Apr 25, 2019
Seven years after New Jersey was battered by Hurricane Sandy, the state is once again being blanketed by heavy snow, sleet and rain as the so-called ‘bomb cyclone’ sweeps across the US. But in contrast to the chaos that hit the state’s wastewater treatment facilities in 2012 – where around 100 wastewater treatment plants and 427 water treatment plants were damaged or had power cut off, resulting in disastrous sewer overflows and drinking water quality problems – utilities are now boasting an array of developments aimed at making their infrastructure energy-independent and reducing the risks of another Sandy.
In the west of the state, the Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority (CCMUA) is putting the final touches on a project that will take its infrastructure completely off-grid, with no need to buy electricity from external providers after April this year. And CCMUA executive director Andrew Kricun says that despite the passing of the best part of a decade, the memories of Hurricane Sandy are still very strong in Camden County.