
Water blaster keeps Durango sewer lines clear of obstructions

Apr 16, 2019

When it comes to keeping municipal sewer systems “regular” and free-flowing, something more powerful than Drano is needed.

Meet the city’s “combination sewer cleaner” – a specialized truck equipped with a high-pressure water hose that blasts away blockages to make the system run more efficiently.

The city has three combination sewer cleaners, and they’re out working most days, said Levi Lloyd, director of city operations. But they’re expensive. A new Vactor truck costs the city $397,000 and is replaced every seven years, Lloyd said.

The high-pressure lines are equipped with nozzles designed by local manufacturer StoneAge Inc. tools to clean sewer pipes. The nozzle has holes in it for water to flow through – a couple facing at angles to spin the nozzle and cut through debris, and a couple facing backward to propel the nozzle and hose through the pipe.

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