
NACWA Committee Communications Moving to Engage Forum

Oct 2, 2018

engage-logo-02(October 2, 2018) – As NACWA continues its effort to facilitate peer-to-peer member engagement and to remain a widely accessible source for expert technical information, the Association is pleased to announce that official communications of its various Committees will be moving to the Engage™ platform.  Engage™ is NACWA’s online interactive community, forum and resource-sharing site.

For NACWA committee members, the Engage™ Committee Platform promises better real-time updating, more interactive features — such as member search — and enhanced resource-sharing capacity. If you are a member of a NACWA committee, you will be receiving an official notice from your committee chair or NACWA Staff Lead which will contain an overview and instructions.

As ever, NACWA looks forward to serving the Association membership in better, more efficient, and more meaningful ways.

Those interested in joining a NACWA committee are invited to visit the Committees & Workgroups area of the Association website for more details.  Committee participation is exclusively for NACWA members.  Not yet a member?  Contact Kelly Brocato, NACWA’s Director of Membership Development & Retention, for membership options.

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