
Work Group Requests Input on Wet Weather Treatment Systems

May 31, 2017

fiveThe Water Environment Federation’s (WEF) Wet Weather Treatment Work Group is compiling a wet weather treatment performance data report to assist utilities and engineers in evaluating and selecting wet weather treatment technologies.  A compilation of industry-wide performance data from full-scale installations will help utilities and engineers make more informed process selection decisions for these systems, which often command a large capital investment. The treatment data will be peer-reviewed by industry experts and assembled into a report.

Members are encouraged to email Cynthia Finley by June 7 if they  have any of the following facility types (schematics are available here), and would be willing to talk to a member of the WEF Wet Weather Treatment Work Group:

  • Facilities that blend treated effluent from conventional or chemically-enhanced primary clarification units with treated effluent from biological treatment units
  • Facilities that blend treated effluent from parallel auxiliary wet weather treatment units with treated effluent from biological treatment units
  • Facilities with parallel auxiliary wet weather treatment units at treatment plants that do not blend with treated effluent from biological treatment units
  • Biological treatment units that are temporarily modified to increase treatment capacity during wet weather conditions (e.g., step feed)
  • Remote/satellite wet weather treatment units
  • Disinfection systems for the above types of facilities, whether disinfecting blended or non-blended treated effluents

To make data collection as easy as possible for participating utilities, the WEF Wet Weather Workgroup will collect most of the information through phone interviews.  Utilities may choose to remain anonymous in the performance data report.  The WEF Wet Weather Workgroup and NACWA appreciate your consideration of this performance data collection effort.  

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