
Clean Water Current

NACWA, AMWA Featured in TIME Magazine’s Cover Story on Infrastructure Investment

Apr 4, 2017


NACWA and the Association of Metropolitan Water Agencies (AMWA) are prominently featured in the cover story in this week’s TIME magazine titled Dear Washington, We Need to Rebuild. Can You Get Your Act Together – 25 Smart Ways to Fix Our Infrastructure. The magazine features stories on several infrastructure sectors and NACWA and AMWA are cited in the water sector article titled The Waterworks – Flint Showed the Danger of Taking an Essential for Granted on page 36 of the magazine. The article notes that while the public may take water infrastructure for granted, communities across the nation – both urban and rural – are dealing with complex drinking water and clean water challenges, including nonpoint source pollution, rising sea levels, wet weather and consent decree requirements, that require significant infrastructure investments.  It also highlights the importance of water as a bipartisan issue. 

Following on the success of Water Week 2017, the focus on water infrastructure in a mainstream national publication like Time magazine demonstrates momentum toward elevating clean water as a national issue. The joint mention of both NACWA and AMWA in the article also demonstrates the effectiveness of collaboration between drinking water and clean water advocates in advancing a holistic message and NACWA extends a thank you to AMWA for alerting NACWA to the story and collaborating to ensure that both the drinking water and wastewater perspectives were brought to the journalist’s attention.  

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