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Green Meeting
Protecting our environment and the planet is of fundamental importance to the National Association of Clean Water Agencies (NACWA) and its members. Our green meeting strategy aims to lighten our environmental impact by:
Meeting Materials
NACWA has significantly reduced printed materials for conferences and prints only what is necessary to the success of the conference.
Materials that are printed for our meetings are printed on Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) certified paper that is made with a minimum of 10% post-consumer waste.
NACWA lanyards are made from 100% post-consumer plastic, mostly plastic bottles.
All NACWA Signage is made from reusable materials.The NACWA Sponsorship Bio-Banner is made from the new revolutionary biodegradable PVC material.When placed in a landfill, the Bio-Banner will literally vanish within 3-5 years unlike other vinyl banners that remain unchanged for decades.
NACWA staff also will be reducing paper usage as much as possible onsite, using ENERGY STAR certified computers and adopting other “green office” practices when available.
Recycling of Materials
Recycling bins for bottles, paper, aluminum and glass are available in the hotel throughout meeting rooms, guest rooms and at breaks.
Following the conclusion of the meeting, be sure to stop by NACWA’s registration desk to drop off your badge and lanyard – NACWA strives to recycle and reuse as many meeting materials as possible.
The US Grant Green Initiatives
The US Grant has sustainable menu offerings, including products such as organic and fair-trade coffee, free range and grass-fed meats, local produce whenever possible and vegetarian meal selections.
The hotel uses environmentally friendly chafing fuel when keeping food warm.
Linenless meeting tables are an option at the US Grant.
The staff of the hotel is sure to recycle all paper products.
There has been a total elimination of Styrofoam products throughout the hotel.
The hotel staff uses environmentally friendly, healthy cleaning products.
There are automatic flushometers and faucets in every bathroom.
Fluorescent lamps and occupancy sensors are all throughout the US Grant.
The US Grant uses ENERGY STAR office equipment.
Be sure to make a green choice! For each night that housekeeping is declined, guests are rewarded 500 Starpoints.
Other NACWA Meeting Policies
NACWA offers tap water at our conferences, so that we can all enjoy the product of our member’s labors and reduce waste.