
NACWA Board Service Application/Information Form

(Please have all materials ready for submittal before starting the application; once you navigate away from this page, you cannot return at a later time and all of your entries will be lost; Alternatively, please email all of the following information to Chris Hornback at chornback@nacwa.org)

Supporting Staff (if you have an assistant or another staff member who would support your engagement with NACWA, please list below)

If nominated by NACWA’s Nominating Committee (Directors) and elected or appointed to serve on the Association’s Board of Directors, I understand and accept the following Board Member Responsibilities & Expectations:

Full Board’s Responsibilities:

  • Establish policy.
  • Maintain financial accountability of the Association.
  • Monitor Association finances.
  • Create and update a long-range Strategic Plan and Financial Plan for the Association.
  • Elect and support the Association’s officers.
  • Adopt key operating policies & procedures.

Individual Board Member Expectations:

  • Attend and actively participate in Board Meetings, committees, and task forces.
  • Observe your fiduciary duties to the Association.
  • Come to Board meetings well-prepared and well-informed about issues on the agenda
  • Contribute to the dialogue during Board meetings.
  • Consider other points of view, make constructive suggestions and help the Board make decisions that benefit the Association.
  • Fill Board leadership roles as needed.
  • Represent the Association to individuals, the public, and other organizations at speaking engagements and personal interactions.
  • Actively engage in strategic advocacy initiatives on behalf of NACWA.
  • Ensure the engagement of, and represent, the NACWA Member Agencies in your region.
  • Help ensure the retention of existing members and assist in identifying potential Member Agencies and Affiliates and encouraging them to join the Association.
Please read the above and check below:

Please briefly describe the current and past engagement in NACWA of you or your agency. Include participation in advocacy initiatives (including letters to Members of Congress, visits with your Congressional Delegation, providing input to the Association on legislative initiatives, etc.); engagement in NACWA Committees; NACWA conference participation and attendance. 

(Alternatively, please email this statement to Chris Hornback at chornback@nacwa.org)

While strategic planning and financial management are the responsibility of the full Board, NACWA’s Board Members may also serve on committees and task forces. 

Please indicate with a check mark the areas of Board involvement which interest you:

Please upload/attach the following:

Please address the short statement of qualifications and letters of support to:

Leisa Thompson, Chair

NACWA Nominating Committee (Directors)

1130 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Suite 1050

Washington, DC 20036

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