
EPA Giving Milwaukee $17 Million For Sewer Project

Nov 2, 2023


The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency announced a $17 million investment Thursday for work related to a larger project to remove contaminated sediments from a polluted hotspot in Milwaukee.

The Milwaukee Metropolitan Sewerage District will use that money from the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law to relocate a sewer overflow near Jones Island where a new Dredged Material Management Facility will be located. That facility will store materials that are removed from the Milwaukee Estuary as part of an effort to clean up almost 2 million cubic yards of contaminated sediments within the estuary.

“It’s a major project and necessary step to get all this work done and this (facility) will be ready by 2026 when this sediment will begin dredging and removing that sediment,” said Debra Shore, the regional administrator for U.S. EPA Region 5.

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