
Clean Water Current

Advocacy Momentum Building for National Water Policy Fly-In, Free Webinar Available to Prepare

Mar 12, 2019

webinar-yt-550x375(March 12, 2019) - The recent congressional hearing—hosted by the House Transportation & Infrastructure Committee's Water Resources and Environment Subcommittee—on advancing clean water infrastructure investment is yet more evidence that clean water issues are growing as a priority in Congress.

Now is the time to make your voice heard about the challenges your utility faces, and the need for the federal government to act as a partner in addressing them. The National Water Policy Fly-In, convening April 3-4 in Washington, DC, is your venue and your opportunity—make plans to attend and register today!  The advanced registration deadline is March 15.

In preparation for the Fly-In, a free webcast, hosted by the Water Environment Federation, will be offered on March 14, at 1:00 – 2:30 pm ET. The webcast will provide an overview of the Fly-In, outline the joint water sector requests that participants will make to Congress, provide instructions on setting up and conducting successful congressional meetings, and give tips on social media and other ways to carry our message to a broader audience. Those interested in the webcast should register today!

Let’s all raise our voices together and elevate water as a national priority!

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