
Clean Water Current

Water Week Participants Carry Clean Water Advocacy Message in DC

Apr 24, 2018

Last week was an exciting time for clean water advocacy as numerous water professionals and water sector organizations came together in Washington, DC as part of Water Week 2018! During the National Water Policy Fly-In – which served as the anchor event for Water Week -  hundreds of water stakeholders and members of NACWA, the Water Environment Federation (WEF), WateReuse and The Water Research Foundation elevated the message of clean water priorities with EPA and with Members of Congress.

On the Congressional Advocacy day, April 18, the Fly-In kicked off with a congressional staff panel over breakfast and then joined forces with the American Water Works Association and others for a joint briefing on Capitol Hill. The joint briefing provided an opportunity to review the shared “asks” of the sector, and for each participating water organization to highlight their individual priorities to attendees. Sen. John Boozman (R-AR), Chairman of the Senate Fisheries, Water and Wildlife Subcommittee, which has jurisdiction over Clean Water Act and Safe Drinking Water Act issues, delivered remarks highlighting his on-going efforts to advance federal water infrastructure issues, and emphasizing the value of engaging with Congress.

Fly-In attendees then dispersed into the halls of Capitol Hill - as individuals and small groups - to visit their respective congressional delegations and to share the unified water sector message with key congressional staff and the congressional members themselves. In the evening, attendees reconvened to enjoy a networking reception and heard remarks from Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI). 

While the Fly-In and Water Week 2018 provided participants with great opportunities to hear updates, engage with key officials, and network with colleagues, the overall engagement in congressional advocacy—and its far-reaching implications and impact—were the true long-term value gains of the week!

NACWA thanks everyone who participated and helped communicate the incredible stories of clean and safe water, along with the heroic environmental and public health work that clean water utilities do for their communities every day. 

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