
Great Lakes Regional Utility Forum

Connect with Clean Water Utility Leaders from the Great Lakes Region!

Grand Rapids, MI  |  May 7 - 8, 2018

This invitation-only Forum, offered exclusively for utilities in the Great Lakes region, is your opportunity to learn about regulatory trends and to engage in frank dialogue with other utility leaders. This complimentary meeting will bring together clean water utility leaders from across the region to hear presentations and open a dialogue on the issues that matter most.

The NACWA Great Lakes Regional Utility Forum will provide perspectives from regulators at the state and regional level, along with a roundtable discussion specifically for utilities, providing you with the opportunity to hear perspectives from both sides. 

As a utility leader in the Great Lakes region, you will not want to miss this opportunity to share your perspective and connect with your peers!

Registration for the Great Lakes Regional Utility Forum is free for Public Agencies.  NACWA public agency members should register by clicking the link below. Not a member? Contact Oliver Hamilton for more information and registration options.

Thank you to our partnering organization:

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