
Clean Water Current

NACWA Nominees Join Environmental Finance Advisory Board

Dec 5, 2017

seven(December 5, 2017) – Three individuals recommended by NACWA recently joined EPA’s Environmental Finance Advisory Board (EFAB).  Tony Parrott, Executive Director of the Metropolitan Sewer District of Louisville, Kentucky and a NACWA Board Member, and Dan Kaplan, Financial Services Manager of King County, Washington, were appointed to the Board as part of the state and local government category.  Eric Rothstein, a Principal with the Galardi Rothstein Group and a well-known utility financial consultant who has worked with many NACWA members was also appointed to the Board in the business – financial services category.  These individuals join a number of other NACWA members already on the Board. 

EFAB provides ideas and advice to EPA's Administrator and program offices on ways to lower the costs of and increase investments in environmental and public health protection.  It serves a critical role in making suggestion on the best ways to increase infrastructure spending and ensures EPA is playing an appropriate role in this process.  NACWA is thrilled to be so well represented on the Board and thanks all of its members that provide their time and energy to this important group.  Any members with questions can contact Chris Hornback, NACWA’s Chief Technical Officer.  

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